CAAB Height Clearance

CAAB Height Clearance

SDMGA Project ICT Division
16 GutiAirplane MakingAmar AIAnimal learningBaby HomeBAN GDM ProAR App by SDMGA ProjectZumbla DeluxeDuck AdventureWord RushWORLD WONDERSTraffic SimulatorVillage LifeTreasure hunt game

About this game :

Height Clearance Certificate system is an online based system where the land owner will appeal through the application to get a height clearance certificate for a building. Right now this process is done manually. Main purpose of this process to follow all the criteria of this manual process and to make this system fully online based. To make the process easy and to get access for all this online base dissolution will come handy.Service recipients will first sign up to the system and then login to the system. Then they will input their location to gather an idea to know how much height they will achieve for a specific location. Then the service recipient will appeal through an online application for requesting a certificate.When the service recipient will send the application to the CAAB officials they will receive the application. Verify the application according to the CAAB officials rules and approve the application. This process will be done fully automatic through the web portal. After approval the application a certificate will be generated automatically and will be send to the user account.