Object Finder

Object Finder

SDMGA Project ICT Division
16 GutiAirplane MakingAmar AIAnimal learningBaby HomeBAN GDM ProAR App by SDMGA ProjectZumbla DeluxeDuck AdventureWord RushWORLD WONDERSTraffic SimulatorVillage LifeTreasure hunt game

About this game :

Object Finder is a third person game. Here player have to find out English alphabet word from start to end. Player have to Find from A to Z word here. This is a children learning game. Our ambition here to make education easy for the children so they learn quick. But this game is not that easy either. If player fail and drop into the water, then he will die. Children will hear that how to be careful. They will able to adjust with the technology. In This game, People are able to control the player movement towards right, left, forward, back. Player also can jump here and pause the game. Player should move carefully so it didn’t fall down into water. Player can check Mini map and Big map for next clue or the location of the alphabet. When player touch with the alphabet it will vanish and an animation will play. Animation will introduce the alphabet and how we can use it. After playing the animation, Map will update the next location of the alphabet. This will go to alphabet word from “A” to “Z” and finish the game